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This is sort of in the spirit of Mark Pilgrim's old "setting up windows to work" post. I've used it to assist on 4 new mac setups at this point. This list starts from when I am presented with a clean OSX Desktop. * install chrome if not available; log in to get profile * trackpad preferences: - tap to click on - look up & data detectors off - click firm - tracking speed 5 ticks from left (one tick off center) - force click and haptic feedback off - scroll & zoom: direction correct instead of natural - gestures: swipe between pages off - gestures: app expose swipe down w/ 4 fingers * accessibility -> mouse & trackpad -> trackpad options -> enable dragging (3 finger drag) * keyboard preferences: - repeat full fast - delay until repeat 1 notch from short - show keyboard and emoji viewers in menu bar on * keyboard input sources: add japanese * keyboard shortcuts: - mission control: cmd-W - move left a space: cmd <- - move right a space: cmd -> - input sources: disable 'select previous', enable 'select next' at defaults - screenshots: disable shift-cmd-4 and ctrl-shift-cmd-4 (replaced w/ quickup) - automator services: - Capture: shift-cmd-4 - New Terminal Window: cmd-T * keyboard application shortcuts: have to rebind common cmd-w and cmd-t app bindings so they don't clash with my preferred bindings - "Close" -> ctrl-shift-cmd-W - "New Tab" -> ctrl-shift-cmd-T * sharing - allow "remote login" - pick a fun computer name To set up spaces, open mission control and `+` more spaces. ## Homebrew Install via instructions on [https://brew.sh](https://brew.sh). You'll want to set up passwordless sudo: ``` sudo visudo ... (change %admin line to:) %admin ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL ``` Set up proper bash: ``` brew install bash bash-completion@2 # enable better bash as a login shell echo /usr/local/bin/bash |sudo tee -a /etc/shells # enable new shell for current user chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash $USER ``` Dev tools: ``` brew install git python3 python@2 openssh macvim the_platinum_searcher brew install jid jq gimme gnu-which gnu-tar gnu-sed ctags colordiff grep htop brew install lz4 xz unzip snappy brew install graphviz ghostscript brew install awscli terminal-notifier mercurial bzr ``` Load all my configs: ``` git clone git@github.com:jmoiron/dotfiles.git alias cm="~/dotfiles/bin/cm" export CM_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/dotfiles/home" export CM_CONFIG_ROOT="$HOME" cm pull ``` ## Applications - [iterm2](https://www.iterm2.com/downloads.html) - clone https://github.com/mbadolato/iTerm2-Color-Schemes and use schemes/ayu.itermcolors scheme - [menumeters](https://member.ipmu.jp/yuji.tachikawa/MenuMetersElCapitan/) ## Automator Automator can be used to make new services, which can then be attached to keybinds in the keyboard preferences. This is generally how to make global keyboard shortcuts, although application shortcuts can still override them sometimes. ### New Terminal Window - quick action A quick action that opens a new iterm2 window anywhere. A single 'run applescript' pane: ``` on run {input, parameters} tell application "iTerm" create window with default profile end tell return input end run ``` <img width="75%" src="http://jmoiron.net/i/urgmk1u.png"> # Capture This script uses another script I wrote, `quickup`, to automatically upload captured images to my server. The script is cross-platform including copying the URL into the clipboard and showing a terminal notification. Requires setting up configuration and installation of `terminal-notifier` in OSX. ``` $HOME/.local/bin/capture exit 0 ``` <img width="75%" src="http://jmoiron.net/i/oh6ylo0.png">